Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Announcing A New Sister Blog: "Z Recommends"

A week or so ago I added another blog to what is becoming a small network - Z Recommends, a consumer blog I will be co-authoring with my wife, photographer Jennifer McNichols, who has guest blogged here and who also collaborates with me on Darkroomers (a quiet blog for now that will eventually hold a lot of information about a darkroom-building project we're currently gearing up for). Z Recommends ("ZRecs" for short) is a kids' product blog built around our two-year-old daughter's priorities in life, a hybrid form we just invented that combines parenting advice, brief personal essays, consumer reports, and haphazard educational theory in what we hope will help us raise the youngest blogger of all time.

Today seemed like a good time to introduce that blog here because I just posted the first "Notes On The Digital Toddler," which discusses experiences I've had educating my daughter using YouTube, and is thus a great fit for Think In Pictures readers (I actually had to debate which blog it belonged in). There shouldn't be many good reasons to link between these blogs, but you can always find Z Recommends (as well as my other blogs) in the navigation on this one.

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